January was a whirlwind as we moved out of our old house, in to our new house, and started to get unpacked and organized in the new place. In reality, this meant I wasn’t able to make any progress on anything else during the month of January. Moving into February, there is still a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, but more time will be available for other projects.
This website
I don’t think I made any updates to the design of this website in January, which is a pity since it still is in a state of unfinishedness. I want to finish the homepage updates and start a media page this month. Once this is done, anything else is cosmetic and less of a priority.
Game design
I started rewatching 007: Road to a Million in January and am now two episodes in. The big takeaway I have so far is the importance of story and narrartive in building a game. I’ve also been reading the book The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses by Jesse Schell and found it to be very helpful in providing a series of perspectives that I should consider and plan for.
Synth building
My electronics parts are now out of storage so, once I have time, I can get back to building my synthesizer. The module I want to design this month is what I’m calling melodic orchestration: a module which uses an Arduino to manipulate signals in a variety of different ways. This will be a longer build, the hardware is relatively simple but I have a lot of ambition for the software.
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