Tag: Design
Norbert Wiener on Structure and Performance
Cybernetics takes the view that the structure of the machine or organism is an index of the performance that may be expected from it. Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings, Cybernetics and Society
Fire Insurance Maps of Calgary
Back in the early days of fire insurance, when you wanted to insure a building, the insurance company would send a underwriter to view the building and gain a first hand appreciation of the risk. As cities began to expand at the turn of the century, this became less practical and a new solution came…
Speaker Grills of the World
Speaker Grills of the World is a single topic website, which is exactly what it sounds like, a collection of different speaker grill designs. A great source for examples and inspiration when designing patterns of holes in things.
Peter Zimon
Peter Zimon is making some downright beautiful all in one analog syntheizers by combining basic designs from a number of sources. The level of polish on all his projects is astounding, the first version of his Shmoergh project lived in a Ikea flower pot and didn’t look any worse for it.